Whether you’re piecing together your debut novel, crafting poignant poetry, or just searching for the spark to ignite your writing passion, the right writing retreats can make all the difference. Imagine a place where your daily distractions are swapped for serene landscapes, inspiring workshops, and the camaraderie of fellow writers.Continue Reading

Writing in Solitude

Romance and fantasy author Stephanie Fowers shares her solutions for writing in solitude—isolation, boredom, and plot issues! I’m very social and so the isolation kills me. And of course, without the proper support, the self-doubt and anxiety goes up. I think that’s why I’d let myself get so distracted withContinue Reading

by Gail Marlene Schwartz As a six-year-old, my parents forced me to see a therapist, Dr. Solky. I hated it and I hated him. When Dr. Solky would peek his head into the waiting room to call my name, my mother would literally drag me into his office kicking andContinue Reading