A Healthier Way for Writers to Hydrate

~Writing Well Wednesday Tip~

You know you need to be drinking lots of water during the warm summer days.

Avoiding even slight dehydration also helps writers fight fatigue, reduce stress, and increase mental focus. (Read more on our post, “The Easy Way to Boost Brainpower and Energy for Writing.”)

Nothing replaces water for hydration, and for replenishing the fluid you lose through sweating and other bodily functions. But in addition to those standard eight glasses a day, you can hydrate your body even more efficiently by eating the moisture you need.

Turns out that the water you get from foods can be more hydrating than liquid water. Called “gel” water, it contains more electrolytes, which enhances cognitive function and mood, and works more efficiently when moistening tissues.

To get more of that healthy gel water, follow these tips:

  • Eat hydrating vegetables: Some of your best options include cucumbers, romaine lettuce, celery, radishes, and zucchini.
  • Eat more hydrating fruits: Good options include watermelon, berries, grapefruits, canteloupes, kiwis, apples, and pears.
  • Enjoy a smoothie: When made without excess sugar, a vegetable and fruit smoothie can increase hydration and give you that energy boost you need at midday. Use any combination of green veggies with a few fruits for flavor.