Novel writing is an emotional rollercoaster. It begins with feeling overwhelmed. There is nothing as intimidating as a blank page. Then there is the feeling of excitement when ideas begin to flow. Then you feel the satisfaction of creating a world from scratch. Then there’s frustration when you’re hit withContinue Reading

I think that any good writer is emotionally challenged at some level. Otherwise, how could we create and write about the emotionally damaged characters in our stories? Readers expect authenticity in our characterizations. If we haven’t felt things like grief, anxiety, depression, love, and fear, then how can we createContinue Reading

Writing Poetry

by Jennifer Brown Banks My initial exposure to poetry began at about age 12. Back then, teachers and school administrators chose me to participate in the “Gifted Student Program”–a program for advanced learners. Poetry was a weekly requirement, along with classes in creative writing. I fell in love at firstContinue Reading