Easily, the biggest emotional challenge of being a writer is the rejection. No one likes rejection, no matter the circumstance, but with creative arts such as writing, it is unavoidable and painfully frequent. It’s Hard Not to Take Rejections Personally Since falling back in to writing in 2014, I’ve queriedContinue Reading

Novel writing is an emotional rollercoaster. It begins with feeling overwhelmed. There is nothing as intimidating as a blank page. Then there is the feeling of excitement when ideas begin to flow. Then you feel the satisfaction of creating a world from scratch. Then there’s frustration when you’re hit withContinue Reading

The biggest emotional challenge of being a writer occurred when I was shopping an older draft of my first Skylar Robbins mystery, Skylar Robbins: Secret Agent. It took weeks, even months to hear back from prospective agents, and they hated it when an author submitted simultaneously to more than one.Continue Reading

Writers face many challenges, including rejection of their work on the path to publication. I wrote four full-length manuscripts before securing a contract, and, even though it was part of the process, each rejection stung. Still, I used the feedback I received to make my writing better, even little tipsContinue Reading

The key to my creativity is cultivating a positive and active brain. If I let in too much negativity (from social media, the news, and other people), I lose my creative energy. Likewise, if my brain is sluggish (from poor health, poor eating, or poor sleep), I’m incapable of creativity.Continue Reading