When I first began writing novels, the most difficult emotional challenge was rejection. I had recently retired from a law teaching career, during which I published several successful casebooks and legal treatises, gaining a reputation as a very good writer. I somehow assumed that kind of success and recognition wouldContinue Reading

Tom Williams

Like many of people writing fiction, I have a background writing non-fiction for my day job. Over the years I’ve written lots of business reports, market overviews and policy outlines for public bodies, some published, some very definitely for internal use only. I’ve always wanted to write fiction, but afterContinue Reading

Self-doubt is the biggest emotional challenge for me. Writing is manageable to work through tough times and rejection, since it’s a way to escape the then-unpleasant world around me. As for writer’s block, I’ve been fortunate to experience it on a limited basis. Although I was once blocked about 14Continue Reading

Through conversations with other writers over the years, it’s become clear that issues including fear of rejection, occasional self-doubt and writer’s block simply come with the territory for novelists. I’ve experienced all of that, but for me, the biggest emotional challenge to writing on a regular basis is struggling toContinue Reading

I would say my biggest challenge is being low income, as a result of writing even though my novels don’t generate enough income to justify the time/energy investment. Self-promotion is also a big emotional challenge. My low income status (very small social security check) is a threat to my abilityContinue Reading