Most of the time, I enjoy writing, and I especially enjoy getting boxes of new books! However, as with most writers, I do experience self-doubt, especially when I reach the middle of a manuscript. Is this working? Where is this plot going? Is my historical information interesting and accurate? TheContinue Reading

Novel writing is an emotional rollercoaster. It begins with feeling overwhelmed. There is nothing as intimidating as a blank page. Then there is the feeling of excitement when ideas begin to flow. Then you feel the satisfaction of creating a world from scratch. Then there’s frustration when you’re hit withContinue Reading

A retirement dream job, a yearning to write; a bookstore and a well-known Canadian author, all entered my life with magical serendipity. I was sixty-seven, with forty-three pages of a memoir awaiting page forty-four. I Wanted to Hold Onto the Stories I began a memoir seven months after my husband,Continue Reading

Deborah Lincoln

How can anyone—a bureaucrat, a librarian, a gardener, a writer—be both so undisciplined and so anal? Contradiction is, I suppose, a necessary element in writing fiction. It can lead to tension in the plot, conflict among the characters, doubts and fears in the protagonist. Probably not so helpful when theContinue Reading

I sincerely believe a lot of factors are involved [in emotional wellness]. Rejection hurts and nearly every author has been rejection at some point in their career. I don’t think I’ve ever really been depressed. After all, my friends call me Queen of Denial.  I think I focus on theContinue Reading

Jason Offutt

[Photo caption: Author Jason Offutt and his wife Kimberly Offutt on a recent vacation at Rathbun Lake, Iowa. Yes, Iowa has lakes.] There are different levels of emotional stress that come with where a writer is in their career. Early on was rejection, until I learned that EVERY writer getsContinue Reading