Lucky writers…it’s just not fair! I’ve heard many times in my writing career that it helps if you get lucky somewhere along the way. “So how do you become a bestselling author?” writer Rod Raglin asks. “You get lucky….success is less about talent and more about opportunity plus it’s greatlyContinue Reading

Here’s something I didn’t know until now: July 2nd is World UFO Day, and the annual Roswell UFO Festival takes place July 6-8, 2018. World UFO Day is a day dedicated to UFOs (unidentified flying objects), and is usually celebrated with parties and sky-watching events. The Roswell UFO festival invitesContinue Reading

With Mother’s Day coming up this weekend, I thought it would be fun to gather some of the wisdom writers have shared here on Writing and Wellness. All of the writers below are moms, and they have a lot to say about writing/life balance, finding time to write, and inContinue Reading

What do writers have to be grateful for? Sometimes it’s hard to remember. We have a lot to complain out, after all. We’re overworked and underpaid, and we often toil for years with little to no encouragement from the outside world. We all know what’s tough about this gig, butContinue Reading