My biggest, perhaps only, emotional challenge as a writer is motivation/self-discipline/time management. After I transitioned from traditional to self-publishing a few years ago, one of the many benefits was that I set my own deadlines. For my personality type (Ooh, shiny!) this is also the bad news. There are soContinue Reading

Writers face many challenges, including rejection of their work on the path to publication. I wrote four full-length manuscripts before securing a contract, and, even though it was part of the process, each rejection stung. Still, I used the feedback I received to make my writing better, even little tipsContinue Reading

My biggest emotional challenge as a writer has undoubtedly been fear of judgement. In so many ways, I insulate myself from the scrutiny of others. I put up personal walls on which graffiti might read—I don’t care what other people think. But, that’s not always true. While I do myContinue Reading

The key to my creativity is cultivating a positive and active brain. If I let in too much negativity (from social media, the news, and other people), I lose my creative energy. Likewise, if my brain is sluggish (from poor health, poor eating, or poor sleep), I’m incapable of creativity.Continue Reading