by Christian Klaver I’ve been writing the last 30 years and only recently managed to get a contract from a major publishing house, so it’s been a long, rocky road. In that time, in addition to a few modest successes and countless, countless rejections, I’ve been accepted to a major magazineContinue Reading

Most of the time, I enjoy writing, and I especially enjoy getting boxes of new books! However, as with most writers, I do experience self-doubt, especially when I reach the middle of a manuscript. Is this working? Where is this plot going? Is my historical information interesting and accurate? TheContinue Reading

For me, the biggest emotional challenge of being a writer is also my biggest emotional challenge in general, which is perfectionism. My standards for myself are often unreasonably high, and the (obvious) inability to live up to these unrealistic expectations can lead to anxiety, depression, self-doubt, etc. This certainly spillsContinue Reading

Sara Hosey

I find writing itself to be incredibly therapeutic. Honestly, I work through problems I didn’t even know I had through my fiction. And to be clear, I am a fiction writer; none of my published work to date is autobiographical. And yet I find myself returning to particular themes andContinue Reading

Novel writing is an emotional rollercoaster. It begins with feeling overwhelmed. There is nothing as intimidating as a blank page. Then there is the feeling of excitement when ideas begin to flow. Then you feel the satisfaction of creating a world from scratch. Then there’s frustration when you’re hit withContinue Reading

I think that any good writer is emotionally challenged at some level. Otherwise, how could we create and write about the emotionally damaged characters in our stories? Readers expect authenticity in our characterizations. If we haven’t felt things like grief, anxiety, depression, love, and fear, then how can we createContinue Reading