Sound of Silence

There’s a lot of noise in our world today. Also called “noise pollution,” excessive noise has been linked to stress-related illnesses, high blood pressure, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity. Writers may want to add “trouble concentrating” and “difficulty accessing the imagination” to that list. Silence, on the otherContinue Reading

I’ve talked about the benefits of writing retreats in other posts. Check them out: “Serious Writers Permit Themselves to Go On Writers’ Retreats” “How to Get the Best Creativity-Boosting Results from Your Writing Retreat. Because they help reduce stress, nourish creativity, promote reflection, and sustain motivation, retreats are essential toContinue Reading

creative writing at home

If you’re a writer who works from home, you may love the flexible hours, cozy office space, and lax wardrobe requirements, but you may also have one very concerning problem: keeping your creative juices flowing. Without the proper precautions, a work-from-home routine can sap your brain of its creative energiesContinue Reading